Resisting Happiness is a true story about Matthew Kelly discovering why we sabotage ourselves. Here is my book review of Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly.
Most of the time, we tend to feel overwhelmed, set aside our dreams and lack the courage to be ourselves. However, in this book, Kelly helps us find out how to stop resisting happiness and start choosing it again. Therefore, I was compelled to review Matthew Kelly’s book.
Believe it or not, I got this book as a gift from a dear friend who is fully aware of my healthy obsession with everything happiness. The minute I opened it, I started reading and could not put it down.
On average, it takes me a couple of weeks and sometimes more to get to a book I didn’t purchase myself, but I have read this one more than three times so far.

Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly
It is amazing how I feel that this book, Resisting Happiness, is meant for me. It gives a fascinating insight into honestly, holding yourself accountable, and changing your life little by little.
I feel that Matthew Kelly is talking to me specifically. He helped me realize all the times that I have resisted happiness. This book would help us all be the best version of ourselves. Won’t you believe that is something we all need to work on?
Resisting Happiness Asks, Are You Happy?
We often ask ourselves this question. Some even stop wondering about happiness and are just busy with life! But if we recognize that every moment is an opportunity to turn our lives around, we will stop resisting happiness and live more optimistically.
I know it is the wrong question to ask. Most of us think we are relatively happy while knowing that we could be more satisfied — maybe even a lot more comfortable.
Ordinary people and the most excellent philosophers have explored the question of happiness for thousands of years, and theories abound. Nonetheless, this publication is not a book of philosophy.
Resisting Happiness is a deeply personal, disarmingly transparent look at why we sabotage our happiness and what to do about it.
Resisting Happiness Also Asks
- Are You Overwhelmed?
- Do you procrastinate?
- Do you sometimes feel like you are your own worst enemy?
- Are you ignoring your dreams?
- Have you lost the courage to be yourself?
- Do you feel that your life lacks meaning and purpose?
- Do you find yourself avoiding the real issues in your life and focusing on the superficial?
It may be typical for you to experience these feelings and doubts occasionally. However, do you know what to do when you encounter them?
In this fascinating book, Resisting Happiness, Matthew Kelly uses his signature combination of the profound and the practical to help us understand these feelings and how to rise above them.
Furthermore, Kelly says that breaking through resistance is essential to becoming the best version of yourself and living with passion and purpose.
Resisting Happiness
Mathew Kelly Explains “What Is Resistance”
Resistance is that sluggish feeling of not wanting to do something you know is good for you. It is the inclination to do something you know is not suitable for you. It is your desire and tendency to delay something you should be doing right now.
Kelly explains that resistance stands between you and happiness. Hence, in the book pages, you will learn what it is and how to recognize and conquer it in your own life.
“Writing a book that people will read and enjoy is one thing; writing a book that resonates with people is another thing. But writing a book that changes people’s lives is in a completely different realm. That is where I am always shooting for when I sit down to write a book. It is no small feat.”

Matthew Kelly
Resistance is a significant problem, especially when it comes to long-term plans. The best way to start striving against your resistance is to recognize the impediment. Once you’ve named the obstacle you face, it will be much easier to understand how to resist it.
The book encourages us to realize that every individual on Earth has his struggles to help you achieve your full potential.
Reading can help you recognize that money isn’t the most crucial thing in life. Books, like friends, can keep your enthusiasm up, even when you’re going through something difficult.
It is vital to be an active listener to help you find your happiness.
Great friends and learning to enjoy delayed gratification help you become your best self.
Helping others and ignoring criticism helps you remain focused on your goals.
The Essential Advice for Resisting Happiness
Resistance comes in many forms, including procrastination, self-sabotage, laziness, and fear. It can be tricky. Overcoming resistance is associated with finding true happiness. Once you begin defeating these barriers, you’ll be on your way to becoming your best self.
The Book’s Actionable Recommendation
What would you regret if someone told you that you only had the rest of today to live? Hence, the best action you can take from this book is to list everything you would regret not doing if you died today.
This is your list containing everything you need to know about your life’s purpose. The items on this list are what you need to achieve to find your genuine happiness.
Resisting Happiness Is An Incredible Read!
What is incredible about Resisting Happiness is that it revolves around a true story. Also, it gives answers to why we sabotage ourselves, feel overwhelmed, set aside our dreams, and lack the courage to be ourselves. Moreover, the book guides us to start choosing happiness again. Yes! It is our choice.
It is fascinating to read Matthew Kelly’s Resisting Happiness. In the introduction, Kelly states that this is the most personal book he has written to date, and I tend to agree with him!
Additionally, Matthew Kelly opened up and was transparent about his journey, successes, growth, and failures. He is teaching by example—his example—and what a brave, courageous, and motivating example it is.
Resisting Happiness
This a true story about why we sabotage ourselves, feel overwhelmed, set aside our dreams, and lack the courage to be ourselves… and how to start choosing happiness again!
Are you happy? That may be the wrong question. Most of us think we are relatively satisfied while knowing that we could be happier—maybe even a lot happier.
Ordinary people and the finest philosophers have explored the question of happiness for thousands of years, and theories abound. But this is not a book of theory. Resisting Happiness is a deeply personal, disarmingly transparent look at why we sabotage our happiness and what to do about it.
- Are you overwhelmed?
- Do you procrastinate?
- Do you sometimes feel like you are your own worst enemy?
- Are you ignoring your dreams?
- Have you lost the courage to be yourself, indeed?
- Do you think that your life lacks meaning and purpose?
- Do you find yourself avoiding the real issues in your life and focusing on the superficial?
We all experience…
My Take On Resisting Happiness
This book captures your attention from the opening paragraph. It is true for every human being….we “resist” doing the things that make us happy….and do the things that make us unhappy…I have not been disappointed by any of the books I’ve read by Matthew Kelly…he is my absolute favorite author.
Matthew Kelly is a fantastic author and speaker!! His messages are relatable to everyone and what we are all going through. I wish everyone could experience what he has to say.
I strongly recommend it, especially if you feel your life is not going as it should be. The book is easy and exciting to read, and if you put the information into practice, it changes lives in ways you cannot even imagine!
I know I read several of Matthew Kelly’s books; however, this one is another excellent resource for daily living and continual growth. Resisting Happiness is a great read packed with practical, sound advice. When you finish reading the book, pass it on to someone you love, and they will thank you for it.
Audio Forms of Resisting Happiness
If you don’t have time to read or have a long commute, you can enjoy this book by listening to it on cd. I will buy my copy of the cd to keep it handy when I need a lift while driving long distances. It’s exciting to listen to it.
More About the book:
- The book is 186 pages.
- It is available in hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and Kindle format.
About Matthew Kelly, the Author of Resisting Happiness
Matthew Kelly was born in Sydney, Australia. He has dedicated his life to helping people and organizations become the best version of themselves. He is a New York Times best-selling author, an internationally acclaimed speaker, and a business consultant to some of the world’s largest and most admired companies.
Matthew Kelly is the New York Times bestselling author of The Rhythm of Life and twenty other books. His books have been published in over twenty-five languages and sold over 30 million copies.
Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly